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AAV 정량 | AAV Quantitation & Titration 이미지

AAV 정량 | AAV Quantitation & Titration

QuickTiter AAV Quantitation Kit는 Purified AAV 및 unpurified AAV supernatant에서 viral nucleic acid 함량 측정을 위해 이용되며, QuickTiter AAV Titer ELISA Kit는 viral capsid protein 양 측정에 이용됩니다.

QuickTiter™ AAV Quantitation Kit (#VPK-145) 


  • Purified AAV 및 unpurified AAV supernatant의 viral nucleic acid 함량을 측정합니다. 
  • Detection sensitivity :
    - 1x10^9 GC/ml (genome copy/ml) for unpurified AAV-2, AAV-DJ
    - 5x10^10 GC/ml for purified AAV sample from any serotype
  • 구성 :
    1. ViraBind™ AAV Reagent A
    2. ViraBind™ AAV Reagent B
    3. QuickTiter™ AAV Capture Matrix
    4. QuickTiter™ AAV Wash Solution
    5. QuickTiter™ Solution C
    6. CyQuant® GR Dye
    7. QuickTiter™ AAV DNA Standard 



AAV-2 DNA Standard Curve. The QuickTiter™ AAV-2 DNA Standard was diluted as described in the Assay Protocol. Fluorescence measurement was performed on a SpectraMax Gemini XS Fluorometer (Molecular Devices) with a 485/538 nm filter set and 530 nm cutoff.





사용 논문


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주문정보 - Cat No, PRODUCT, SIZE, 수량 등 항목으로 구성되어있습니다.
  Product Cat.No. Size Maker Qty Data Sheet MSDS
QuickTiter™ AAV Quantitation Kit VPK-145 20 assays CELL BIOLABS
AAV Rep ELISA Kit VPK-5118 96 assays CELL BIOLABS
QuickTiter™ AAV Quantitation Kit
20 assays
Data Sheet
96 assays
Data Sheet





제품 문의

0.5 ml Elite Pre-stained Protein Ladder (2 x 0.25 ml) PAL-EPL-500 0.5ml 500
Data Sheet

