제품 상세 Antibody 6.5 - 270 kDa 범위를 커버하는 3가지 컬러 밴드를 포함하며, 최대 100%까지의 transfer 효과를 개런티하는 Prestained protein ladder를 소개합니다. 프린트 제품 문의 E. coli Topoisomerase IV Drug Screening Kit Cleavable complexes 형성을 촉진시키거나 Topoisomerase IV의 활성에 antagonize하는 2종류의 topoisomerase inhibitors 검출이 가능합니다.이미 알려져 있는 Topo II poison인 Ciprofloxacin이 control로써 제공됩니다.Kit 구성 - pHOT1 DNA, supercoiled- Marker DNA, Linear pHOT1- Incomplete Buffer A- ATP Buffer B contains 100 mM ATP- Ciprofloxacin control- 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)- 10x gel loading buffer- Proteinase KTopoisomerase I Drug Screening Kit특정 지점에서 DNA 결함을 일으키는 매개체를 안정화 시키거나 topoisomerase I의 촉매 활성을 억제시키는 lead compounds을 스크리닝 합니다.Kit 구성- Supercoiled pHOT-1 DNA- Relaxed and nicked plasmid DNA markers- 10X Topoisomerase I assay/cleavage buffer- Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) termination buffer (10%)- 10X gel loading dye- Control inhibitor (Camptothecin; lyophilized)- Proteinase K Topoisomerase II Drug Screening Kit하나의 high affinity topo II cleavage site가 포함된 DNA substrate (pHOT1)를 사용하여 항균, 항바이러스, 항암 활성을 갖는 Topo II inhibitors를 스크리닝하기에 이상적입니다.Cleavable complexes 형성을 촉진시키거나 Topoisomerase II 활성을 antagonize하는 2종류의 topoisomerase inhibitors 검출이 가능합니다.Kit 구성- Supercoiled DNA [pHOT1 DNA]- Markers are linear pHOT1 DNA and open circular DNA- 10X Topoisomerase II assay buffer- Sodium dodecyl sulfate (10%)- 10X Gel loading buffer (bromophenol blue, glycerol)- Control inhibitor, Etoposide- Proteinase K Topoisomerase II Drug Screening Kit (kDNA based)효소의 활성을 억제시키거나 (Catalytic Inhibitory Compounds, CICs) Cleavable complexes 형성을 촉진시키는 (Interfacial Poisons, IFPs) 2종류의 Topo II effectors 검출이 가능합니다.CICs는 DNA substrate에 대한 접근을 차단하거나 ATPase의 활성 및 효소 회전율을 변경하는 등 많은 단계에서 효소에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.IFPs는 DNA에서 resealing step 반응을 차단하는 또 다른 유형의 Inhibitor 입니다.Kit 구성 - kDNA Substrate- Decatenated and Linearized kDNA Markers- 10X Topoisomerase II assay buffer- VP-16 (etoposide)- Sodium dodecyl sulfate (10%)- 10X Gel loading buffer (bromophenol blue, glycerol)- Proteinase KFigure 1. Use of the Topoisomerase I Drug Kit Reactions indicated above each lane were carried out using 5 units of TopoGEN type I topoisomerase. The reactions were incubated for 30 min at 37 C and stopped with SDS. After digestion with proteinase K (50 ug/ml, 60 min at 37 C), samples were loaded onto a 1% agarose gel. Under these conditions, with excess topo I and camptothecin, significant conversion of supercoiled (form I) DNA to open circular (OC DNA) was observed. It is important to recognize that cleavage assays will consume more enzyme than catalytic (relaxation type) assays. This is because each cleavage event consumes one enzyme molecule; i.e., the reaction requires stoichiometic amounts of topo I.Figure 2. Use of the Topoisomerase II Drug Screening Kit The reactions indicated above each lane in the figure were carried out using the enzyme provided by TopoGEN and 1 ul of DNA (0.25 ug of form I pHOT-1, as provided in each kit). The reaction products were analyzed on a 1% agarose gel; the running buffer contained 0.5 ug/ml ethidium bromide. The gel was then destained in distilled water prior to photodocumentation. Formation of the cleavable complex (linear DNA species) is clearly visible. Additionally, relaxation of supercoiled DNA substrate (form I pRYG DNA) was inhibited in all reactions that contained VM26. 주문정보 견적문의 제품담기 주문정보 - Cat No, PRODUCT, SIZE, 수량 등 항목으로 구성되어있습니다. Product Cat.No. Size Maker Qty Data Sheet MSDS 전체보기 추천제품 관련제품 견적문의 제품담기 주문정보 - Cat No, PRODUCT, SIZE, 수량 등 항목으로 구성되어있습니다. Product Cat.No. Size Maker Qty Data Sheet MSDS 전체보기 자료 웨비나/Video