제품 상세 세포 유전자치료제 (CGT) 스크리닝 서비스 개발된 세포치료제의 IND 승인을 위한 평가 서비스를 제공합니다. 프린트 제품 문의 Cell banking 제작 Small 스케일에서 large 스케일에 이르는 단백질 labeling, reagent generation, cell banking 서비스 및 Performance qualification을 제공합니다. Custom Cell Banking Master Cell Banks (MCB) Mycoplasma, sterility (bacterial and fungal contamination), and stability testing; cloning Research Cell Banks (RCB) Phenotypic and Safety 평가 서비스 Functional in vitro 평가를 통해 바이오 의약품의 clinical에서의 평가를 예측합니다. Cellular Apoptosis Primary Cells Assessment of biotherapeutic impact on cell death Cell Lines Cellular Proliferation ATP Assessment of biotherapeutic impact on cell growth Redox Cellular Signaling Assay PathHunter Assessment of biotherapeutic impact on downstream signaling on various platforms Phosphorylation Second Massenger (cAMP) Cytotoxicity (ADCC, CDC, ADCP) Cell Viability Commercially Available Tumor Cell Lines Assessment of biotherapeutics to induce cell death in target cell lines of interest. Different assay formats available (LDH, CellTiter Glo, Live/Dead, Flow Cytometry) and subpopulation phenotyping Target-Specific KILR Cell Lines Primary Cells (PBMCs) Custom Cell Line Generation CRISPR Insertion of gene into cell line to express protein of interest; high-, medium-, low expression, receptor quantitation Lentivirus Custom Cell Line Cloning Single-cell flow cytometry sorting for creation of clonal cell lines Cell-based Assays 서비스 Cell physiology와 signaling pathway 활성화/억제성을 평가합니다. Cell Physiology Assessment Early Apoptosis : Annexin V Binding Mid-Stage Apoptosis : Caspase Activation, Bcl-2 Late-Stage Apoptosis : Mitochondrial depolarization, ATM, H2A.X, DNA Fragmentation Apoptotic Degradation of DNA : ATM, H2A.X Autophagic Cell Death DNA Replication During Proliferation Cellular Proliferation (Cell-by-Cell) Cell Cycle Progressions during Drug Treatment Cell Signaling Pathway Activation/ Deactivation Assessment BTK EGF Receptor eIFα ErbB Receptor GPCR (IP-1 Production) JNK MAPK (ERK1/2, MEK1) mTOR NFκB Nitric Oxide Production in Cells p38 P53 (Phosphorylation, Acetylation) P70 S6K PI3K PI3K MAPK (pAKt, pERK1/2) STAT3 STAT5 SYK Kinase Viral Therapy AAV 서비스AAV 바이러스 벡터 생산과 테스트 서비스를 제공합니다. Plasmid TransfectionmRNA Vaccine Transfection and Assessment of EffectsLab-Scale Production and Harvesting of AAV ParticlesViral particle Aggregation AssessmentAnalysis of AAV Capsid SizeAnalysis of Empty vs Full Capsids for AAV ParticlesTitering of AAV Viral ParticlesBuffer Exchange During AAV Viral Particle PreparationViral Targeting of Relevant Cell Types Leukocyte & MSC 서비스세포 평가 서비스를 제공합니다. Leukocyte Services Population Dissection CD4 and CD8 Lymphocyte Population Assessment Detection and Assessment of Memory T-Cells B-Cell Population Assessment (Flow) Memory B Cell Assessment (Flow) NK Cell Assessment (Flow) CAR Lymphocyte Cell-Killing Assays Isolation and Expansion of Cell Populations from Patient Samples Immunophenotyping Mesenchymal Stem Cell Services Secretome Profiling Exosome Isolation and Characterization Verification of MSC Cell Lines Biotherapeutic 특성화 서비스바이오치료제의 특성화 분석서비스를 제공합니다.Activity/Function (Flow, ELISA, SPR)Immunophenotyping (Flow)Size and Purity (FPLC, PAGE, aSEC)Manufacturability (Stability, agitation, time, temp, pH) (SLS/DLS, aSEC)Stability (Rebuffering, Concentration) (LS/DLS, aSEC)Cross-Reactivity (Dog, Human, Monkey, Mouse, Pig, Rat, Macaque, more..) (ELISA, Flow, SPR) 주문정보 견적문의 제품담기 주문정보 - Cat No, PRODUCT, SIZE, 수량 등 항목으로 구성되어있습니다. Product Cat.No. Size Maker Qty Data Sheet MSDS 유전자세포치료제 (CGT) 스크리닝 서비스 . . EUROFINS DISCOVERY - + 보기 보기 1 Maker EUROFINS DISCOVERY Cat.No. . Product 유전자세포치료제 (CGT) 스크리닝 서비스 Size . Qty - + first 1 last 추천제품 AAV 제작 서비스 | Custom AAV Vector Service 혈액면역세포 | PBMC, NK Cell, T Cells, B Cells, Dendritic Cells 세포치료제 제조용 보조물질 | Ancillary Material Grade Small Molecules GMP Small Molecule for Cell Therapy TcBuster™ Non-Viral Gene Engineering 서비스 관련제품 견적문의 제품담기 주문정보 - Cat No, PRODUCT, SIZE, 수량 등 항목으로 구성되어있습니다. Product Cat.No. Size Maker Qty Data Sheet MSDS 자료 유전자면역세포치료제 고마뉴스 자료신청 [KOMA] 유전자 전달시스템, 치료제 효능평가, 안전성평가 등에 대한 자료가 수록되어 있습니다. PDF 웨비나/Video
AAV 제작 서비스 | Custom AAV Vector Service 혈액면역세포 | PBMC, NK Cell, T Cells, B Cells, Dendritic Cells 세포치료제 제조용 보조물질 | Ancillary Material Grade Small Molecules GMP Small Molecule for Cell Therapy TcBuster™ Non-Viral Gene Engineering 서비스