제품 상세 CacoGoblet | Caco-2 & HT-29 | Permeability Assay CacoGoblet은 Caco-2 cell과 mucus를 분비하는 HT-29 cell로 구성된 24-well plate로 두가지 세포의 공동 배양을 통해 장 상피에 생리학적으로 더 가까운 장벽에서 약물 표적의 시험관 내 장 흡수 평가가 가능합니다, 프린트 제품 문의 특징 CacoGoblet은 분화된 Caco-2 cell과 mucus를 분비하는 HT-29 cell로 구성된 24-well plate 입니다. mucus를 분비하여 소장의 epithelium과 생리학적으로 비슷한 환경의 barrier 조건을 제공하므로 약물의 in vitro intestinal absorption을 테스트할 수 있습니다. 경구 투여 약물의 bioavailability와 toxicity를 평가하기 위해 효과적입니다.oral 및 intestinal absorption에 관여하는 메카니즘을 연구하는데 효과적입니다. 적용 Drug permeability by passive diffusion and/or active transport through a physiologically relevant barrierCarrier-mediated transport mechanismsDrug toxicityAnti-inflammatory drug testing 종류 KRECE-CCG01 CacoGoblet 24 Transwell KRECE-CCG02 CacoGoblet 24 (individual transwell)데이터사용 논문Ma, L., Tu, H., & Chen, T. (2023). Postbiotics in Human Health: A Narrative Review. Nutrients, 15(2), 291. Esquena-Moret, J. (2022). A Review of Xyloglucan: Self-Aggregation, Hydrogel Formation, Mucoadhesion and Uses in Medical Devices. Macromol, 2(4), 562–590. Milani, N., et al. (2022). Application of a gut–liver-on-a-chip device and mechanistic modelling to the quantitative in vitro pharmacokinetic study of mycophenolate mofetil. Lab On A Chip, 22(15), 2853-2868. Ortega-Anaya, J., et al. (2021). Milk fat globule membrane phospholipids modify adhesion of Lactobacillus to mucus-producing Caco-2/Goblet cells by altering the cell envelope. Food Research International. 146. 110471. Servi, B., Ranzini, F. (2017). Protective efficacy of antidiarrheal agents in a permeability model of Escherichia coli-infected CacoGoblet cells. Future Microbiology, vol. 12, no. 16. Fraile, B., et al. (2017). Xyloglucan, hibiscus and propolis for the prevention of urinary tract infections: results of in vitro studies. Future Microbiology, vol. 12, no. 8. Kenzaoui, B.H., Vilà, M., Juillerat-Jeanneret, L. (2012). Evaluation of uptake and transport of cationic and anionic ultrasmall iron oxide nanoparticles by human colon cells. Int J Nanomedicine. 2012; 7: 1275–1286. doi: 10.2147/IJN.S26865. ICH M12 Drug Interaction Studies, 2022. FDA Guidance for Industry: In Vitro Drug Interactions Studies – Cytochrome P450 Enzyme- and Transporter-Mediated Drug Interactions, 2020. EMA Guideline on Investigation of Drug Interactions, 2012. PMDA Guideline on drug interaction for drug development and appropriate provision of information, 2018.Intestine vs. CacoReady vs. CacoGoblet 비교 비교Human IntestineCacoReadyCacoGobletCompositionAbsorptive (80%)Mucus-secreting (10-30%)Absorptive (100%)Absorptive (50%)Mucus-secreting (50%)Presense of MucusYESNOYESParacellular PermeabilityPermissive epitheliumTight epitheliumPermissive epitheliumTransepithelial ElectricalResistance (Ohms-cm2)20-1101000-300070-120 [블로그] Drug Permeability 테스트를 위한 Caco-2 monolayer 주문정보 견적문의 제품담기 주문정보 - Cat No, PRODUCT, SIZE, 수량 등 항목으로 구성되어있습니다. Product Cat.No. Size Maker Qty Data Sheet CACOGOBLET 24 (INDIVIDUAL TRANSWELL) KRECE-CCG02 1 plate READYCELL - + 보기 CACOGOBLET 24 TRANSWELL KRECE-CCG01 1 plate READYCELL - + 보기 1 Maker READYCELL Cat.No. KRECE-CCG02 Product CACOGOBLET 24 (INDIVIDUAL TRANSWELL) Size 1 plate Qty - + Data Sheet 보기 2 Maker READYCELL Cat.No. KRECE-CCG01 Product CACOGOBLET 24 TRANSWELL Size 1 plate Qty - + Data Sheet 보기 first 1 last 추천제품 CacoReady | Caco-2 Cell | Permeability Assay PreadyPort-BCRP | BBB Assay PreadyPort-MDR1 | BBB Assay In Vitro Permeability Assay | BBB Assay | DDI Assay를 위한 세포 모델 PreadyTake | Drug Transporter | DDI 평가 관련제품 견적문의 제품담기 주문정보 - Cat No, PRODUCT, SIZE, 수량 등 항목으로 구성되어있습니다. Product Cat.No. Size Maker Qty Data Sheet 자료 웨비나/Video [ReadyCell] Easing your screening around the world 2024년 02월 28일(Wed) in vitro ADME-Tox kit를 제조하는 ReadyCell사를 소개합니다. 동영상 보기
CacoReady | Caco-2 Cell | Permeability Assay PreadyPort-BCRP | BBB Assay PreadyPort-MDR1 | BBB Assay In Vitro Permeability Assay | BBB Assay | DDI Assay를 위한 세포 모델 PreadyTake | Drug Transporter | DDI 평가