제품 상세 미세소관 형광체 | Microtubule Staining Dye in vivo와 in vitro 환경 모두에서 높은 민감도와 선택도를 가져 microtubule 을 직접 영상화하는 데 유용한 microtubule probe을 소개합니다. 프린트 제품 문의 특징 미세소관은 모든 진핵 세포에서 발견되는 세포 골격의 주요 구성 요소입니다. 지름 20-25nm인 가운데가 비어있는 실린더 형태이며, α- 와 β-tubulin으로 구성되어 직선의 protofilament 형태를 이룹니다. GTP 가수분해를 통해 연속적으로 형성과 분해가 이어지며, 빠르게 성장하는 β-subunits (+) end와 느리게 성장하는 α-subunits (-) end를 가집니다. 미세소관은 다양한 세포 과정에서 중요한 역할을 합니다. 세포 내 수송, 신호 전달, 증식 등의 세포 필수적 작용에 관여하며 세포 구조를 유지합니다. 또 세포 분열 동안 진핵 세포의 염색체를 끌어당기는 mitotic spindle을 구성합니다.미세소관 연구에 유용한 Taxol 기반의 Flutax와 Taxol Janelia Fluor를 제공합니다. 주요 제품 Cat. No. Product Emission color λEX (nM) λEM (nM) Application 2226 Flutax 1 Green 495 520 Flow cytometry, confocal microscopy 6254 Flutax 2 Green 496 526 Flow cytometry, confocal microscopy 7315 Taxol Janelia Fluor® 526 Green 531 549 Confocal microscopy, SRM, STED 6267 Taxol Janelia Fluor® 549 Yellow 556 575 Flow cytometry confocal microscopy, SRM 6266 Taxol Janelia Fluor® 646 Red 655 671 Flow cytometry confocal microscopy, SRM 참고 데이터 Flutax 1 labeled HeLa cells. Flutax 1 was diluted in HBSS and applied to live HeLa cells at a concentration of 2 μM. HeLa cells were incubated for 1 hour at 37°C. After incubation was complete, Flutax 1 was washed off, and fresh HBSS was applied to the cells. Cells were not fixed because Flutax 1 staining is not retained at all after fixation (photobleach). Staining can be done only on Live cells. Flutax 1 staining in live cells diminishes very rapidly when exposed to light, so the cells should be exposed to light as little as possible to retain good fluorescent signal. Flutax 2 labeled HeLa cells. Flutax 2 was diluted in HBSS and applied to live HeLa cells at a concentration of 2 μM. HeLa cells were incubated for 1 hour at 37°C. After incubation was complete, Flutax 2 was washed off, and fresh HBSS was applied to the cells. Cells were not fixed because Flutax 2 staining is not retained at all after fixation (photobleach). Like Flutax 1, Flutax 2 staining in live cells diminishes very rapidly when exposed to light, so the cells should be exposed to light as little as possible to retain good signal. Application of Taxol Janelia Fluor® 646, dye on COS7 cells. COS7 cells were labeled with 3 µM Taxol Janelia Fluor® 646 for one hour at 37°C. Images were taken on a Leica TCS SP8 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope. All images kindly provided by Prof. Christian Soeller, University of Exeter; acquired by Evelina Lucinskaite, Anna Meletiou and Alexander Clowsley. 주문정보 견적문의 제품담기 주문정보 - Cat No, PRODUCT, SIZE, 수량 등 항목으로 구성되어있습니다. Product Cat.No. Size Maker Qty Data Sheet MSDS Flutax 1 (1 mg) 2226 1 mg TOCRIS - + 보기 보기 Flutax 2 (100 UG) 6254 100 ug TOCRIS - + 보기 보기 Taxol Janelia Fluor 549 (100 UG) 6267 100 ug TOCRIS - + 보기 보기 Taxol Janelia Fluor 646 (1 MG) 6266 1 mg TOCRIS - + 보기 보기 Taxol Janelia Fluor® 526 (100 ug) 7315 100 ug TOCRIS - + 보기 보기 Taxol Janelia Fluor® 526 (100 ug) 7315 100 ug TOCRIS - + 보기 보기 1 Maker TOCRIS Cat.No. 2226 Product Flutax 1 (1 mg) Size 1 mg Qty - + Data Sheet 보기 MSDS 보기 2 Maker TOCRIS Cat.No. 6254 Product Flutax 2 (100 UG) Size 100 ug Qty - + Data Sheet 보기 MSDS 보기 3 Maker TOCRIS Cat.No. 6267 Product Taxol Janelia Fluor 549 (100 UG) Size 100 ug Qty - + Data Sheet 보기 MSDS 보기 4 Maker TOCRIS Cat.No. 6266 Product Taxol Janelia Fluor 646 (1 MG) Size 1 mg Qty - + Data Sheet 보기 MSDS 보기 5 Maker TOCRIS Cat.No. 7315 Product Taxol Janelia Fluor® 526 (100 ug) Size 100 ug Qty - + Data Sheet 보기 MSDS 보기 6 Maker TOCRIS Cat.No. 7315 Product Taxol Janelia Fluor® 526 (100 ug) Size 100 ug Qty - + Data Sheet 보기 MSDS 보기 first 1 last 추천제품 ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains | Cytoskeletal Stains Fluorescent Probes and Stains BIOTIUM Fluorescent Calcium, Chloride, Zinc, pH Indicator 근육세포 | ioSkeletal Myocytes Cytoskeleton Antibody & Proteins 관련제품 견적문의 제품담기 주문정보 - Cat No, PRODUCT, SIZE, 수량 등 항목으로 구성되어있습니다. Product Cat.No. Size Maker Qty Data Sheet MSDS 자료 웨비나/Video
ViaFluor® Live Cell Microtubule Stains | Cytoskeletal Stains Fluorescent Probes and Stains BIOTIUM Fluorescent Calcium, Chloride, Zinc, pH Indicator 근육세포 | ioSkeletal Myocytes Cytoskeleton Antibody & Proteins